A Message from the Conference Chairs
SQL Server 2012 still has that new car smell, SQL Server 2014 is waiting in the wings, and data in general continues to become more and more important for organizations of all sizes. We're also seeing an uptake in new professionals entering the SQL Server field, first as "maintainers," but often growing into full DBAs.
At SQL Server Live!, we're continuing our focus on real-world, relevant content that you can use right away. From sessions designed for the "reluctant SQL Server admin" all the way to a dedicated track on business intelligence and Big Data, you'll find it all. Whether you're an administrator, developer, or somewhere in between, SQL Server Live! brings you the information you need: performance tuning, query design, BI architecture and more.
We've also aligned the content at SQL Server Live! with that of the many co-located technology tracks at Live! 360. This gives you an unprecedented opportunity to focus on not just SQL Server, but also SharePoint, .NET development with Visual Studio, and cross-platform mobile development – all in a single venue. In fact, SQL Server Live! even includes content of particular interest to developers, SharePoint administrators, and other professionals.
Whether you need to dive deep into a particular technology, or hit a broad range of sessions that address your specific business and operational needs, you should find everything you need at Live! 360.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Andrew J. Brust |
Don Jones |
Conference Co-Chair |
Conference Co-Chair |
SQL Server Live! |
SQL Server Live! |